Funeral Hub….

‘Bringing Death To The Living’

‘Bringing Death To The Living’ may seem a strange concept at the first glance. However knowing how we are going to leave this world is becoming an increasingly important subject for so many. Death along with Birth are the two things we all share. We have no control over how we enter the world. But now, more importantly, we can have a substantial input as to how we leave it. Maybe a Funeral Plan is for you.

Time For Change.

In recent years those who have terminal illnesses have become more vocal about their demise. Many indeed plan their own funerals down to the very last detail. The fit and well can do the same! It appeared that there was no one place where people could go and find all the information they need. A ‘One Stop Shop’ where the stigma of death was removed. The myths dispelled and the taboos brought out into the open.

Bring Death to The Living. The Funeral Hub is born.

Search our pages. Click on links, read our blog and discover services and products that you never knew existed. Some you will like and some you will hate but at least you will be able to make decisions and preferences as to how you conduct the most important day of your life! Saying goodbye…..take away the decision making and heartache from your loved ones. Because you can be strong and do it yourself!

Any help we can offer… feel free to ask and suggestions for more content will always be considered.

Funeral Hub

Death Quotes


I’m always relieved when someone is delivering a eulogy and I realise I’m listening to it.

– George Carlin

George Carlin

Thank you and God Bless…     

Isabella BLondon

Helen Keller

According to most studies, people’s number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death.

Death is number two! Does that sound right?

This means to the average person, if you go to a funeral, you’re better off in the casket than doing the eulogy.

– Jerry Seinfeld

Jerry Seinfield

I am ready to meet my Maker.

Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter.

– Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill

“If anyone at my funeral has a long face, I’ll never speak to him again.”

Stan Laurel

‘It’s was about time someone took the bull by the horns and tackled this subject …. Well done!’ 

J SwansonHerts


Well Spent Day...Anon